14k Yellow Gold Princess-Cut Diamond Solitaire Engagement Ring

14k Yellow Gold Princess-Cut Diamond Solitaire Engagement Ring (1/2 ct, J-K Color, I3 Clarity). This ring is a great buy for the money. The ring came and it is beautiful. the stone is very shiny and it is not as described by other customers. I am very happy with this buy. The only two bad things are that it has a little tiny piece of the stone in the corner that is lightly cloudy. It is not that bad and not noticeable unless you put the stone really close to your face. It also did not come with any certifying papers. Other then that it is perfect!! I got it on sale for an unbelievable price and you would never be able to find this ring at this price anywhere else. I would end up paying six times the amount I paid if I tried to buy it somewhere else